Linda's Message
Welcome to Spring!!
I hope you are taking the time to bask in the beauty of the Springtime weather. A perfect time to focus on new beginnings, new goals and new outcomes.
I want to thank you for your continued love and support. I feel so blessed to have you as part of my spiritual purpose and journey. My work is only possible because of your support and referrals. Only in God's eyes am I perfect, so please do not put me on a pedestal or I am sure that I eventually will fall off, as I am quite clumsy. If I have failed you in any way, please know that it is not intentional. If I have neglected to return a call or fulfill a request please let me know and I will do what I can to rectify the problem. I travel extensively and can become absorbed in and easily overwhelmed with my work.
My home base is in Austin Texas but I am currently on my way to the east coast to enjoy the splendor of Spring there. I am excited to be back among my many friends on the east coast and to have the opportunity to meet many more. I will be working in multiple cities so please check out my schedule of events in case this is your area or you have friends and family you would like to refer in the area. You can reach me at [email protected] or through my website.
Love and Light
Recommended reading: Arnette Lamoreaux, from Austin Texas has written 2 wonderful books that are going to transform the journey of the Indigo child and their family. They are both now available to everyone through Amazon.
Many of you may have read Arnette Lamoreaux's book "Indigo Souls" that was published last year and now she has a new one that is just as wonderful."Indigo Scout: Come closer your purpose is calling.It is helping us understand these special souls, how to parent them and how to fulfill your purpose as an adult Indigo soul.
You may go to Arnette's website
Arnette has also started a blog for the family of Indigo souls to connect through.
The title of Arnette's first book is "The Indigo Soul, a child's journey to purpose." If you know of someone, adult, adolescent or child that is gifted or that you feel is uniquely different than the norm, you definitely need to read this book. This person may be an Indigo Soul. Spirit has taught me that our Indigo Children are the future of this world, we need to understand them better and learn how to better support their journey.
I continue to do private sessions both in-person and over the phone as my schedule allows, although I am often 6-8 weeks out on availability. (So it is best to catch me when I am visiting your area) You may contact me through my website to schedule. If you have contacted me in the past and I did not respond please forgive my busy schedule and try again.
If you would be interested in helping us put together a workshop in your area, please contact me about that also. We do listen to your needs.
GOD CREATES MIRACLES EVERYDAY. BE ONE OF GOD'S MIRACLES TODAY. If you are new to this newsletter, Thank you for opening your heart and mind to our messages of love. Please note: there is information about Abraham at the bottom of this newsletter.
Abraham's Message
I am Abraham
We greet you with love and support for your journey. We have great appreciation that you have opened your heart and mind to our messages of guidance. Spirit desires that you seek your truth as that truth will change as your awareness evolves.
We hope to give you a better understanding of the life you have chosen and the issues that often challenge or sabotage your relationships. You deserve love, happiness and success and it is our purpose to help you create it. It is possible but you have to take responsibility for your life. You must have clarity with out judgment and awareness of your life. This enables you to have the hope and the desire to make the changes necessary to empower your life. We see the frustration that many of you experience because you do not understand the plan. Although this is a plan your higher-self created your consciousness has forgotten. We hope to remind you of your plan so that you are able to manifest the best possible life for you, one in which you can fulfill your purpose. It is our purpose to help you overcome the challenges of your life. This transition begins by educating you about how very powerful you are at creating the life you desire. This is your soul's plan, with God as the support system and strength and your consciousness the director of your future. We hope to educate your consciousness.
Before coming into your current life experience your higher self/soul selected certain issues you needed to experience for the advancement of your soul and this life time presents the opportunity to learn from them. In your soul's plan you choose specific people to share these issues with. Due to past life experiences or karma with these souls, you have unfinished business to work on or your soul would not have chosen to return into a human form at this particular time and for this experience. No matter the intensity of the life you share with these significant people, these experiences have great importance to your journey. Without your shared experiences and relationships what would you know about life issues? Issues such as trust, abandonment, abuse, control, judgment, responsibility or love are part of your purpose. These are the major life issues that challenge your life and relationships the most. These are aspects of life that teach you about yourself and others. The more you understand, the more you are empowered. Celebrate your wisdom and accomplishments and overcome the negative aspects of life so that you no longer have to experience the lessons.
Your life challenges influence who you are, but only you can determine who you will become. Belief systems established during your early years will often sabotage your life without you realizing it. Understanding where these belief systems were established gives you the ability to take back your power and become the person you want to be. Your chosen issues and your family influences are a major aspect of your life purpose.
Today we wish to speak about the issue of control. Your higher self may have chosen to experience control as one of your life issues. If you recognize this as one of your issues you will be able to pinpoint the person or people you chose to learn from. Remember, you would have chosen to share the experience with a core family member or person of childhood influence. The learned patterns and experiences would progress to influence your adult relationships.
The issue of control can be demonstrated as a positive empowering action or a negative destructive action.
Control can be demonstrated as organization, protection, leadership and strength where strong actions are demonstrated as a sense of responsibility. When you are in control of a situation or people within the situation you may have confidence that there are fewer unknowns and you feel a sense of security. Others involved may feel the same way if the control is welcomed and is shown in a balanced, supportive way. Balance with the responsibility of control is often a learned life skill.
For some people their life situations and personality types create a necessary need for control that is part of your plan. It is a survival tool for them and the people they feel responsible for. It becomes a big part of their identity and their need for security. But it can also set them up for failure. At times a sense of control is necessary but you must gain an understanding of how the issue of control, like the other issues, could be detrimental to your relationships.
Control can also be demonstrated in a negative way. When control comes from a place of ego, anger, fear or judgment it quickly become hurtful and destructive. Negative control is a destructive influence for people's lives. Negative beliefs are frequently developed that could sabotage lives with a lack of self worth, self-love, confidence and often hope for a successful life. If negative control was part of your past experiences it is likely influencing your current relationships without you realizing your patterns.
Could control be one of your primary issues? How might you be promoting the issue of control in your relationships? What are your patterns and negative beliefs? How are your past relationships influencing your present relationships and life? What do you want your future to be? Who do you want to be? You are in control of your future? We suggest that you embrace this opportunity to create a positive and healthy control for your life.
WE present you with hope as the negative patterns and beliefs of your past do not have to be your future. They can be changed and we have a method of healing to offer you. A method that has proven to be effective and powerful in changing lives. WE have presented this method of healing through Linda's work, class and our book "The Secret Pathway to Healing". We use her to channel messages for you. If you are looking for answers and willing to make changes we are ready to work with you.
WE are Abraham
Upcoming Events
We are already into a very busy year offering classes, expos and private sessions. Please check out our schedule for our East coast events. I hope you will take advantage of all that the Abraham group offers as I know how life changing their guidance can be.
2015 Spring Schedule
East Coast Schedule (summary of events to follow schedule)
April 7th, 8th, 9th, 13th & 14th - Somerset New Jersey -Private Sessions
April 10th, 11th & 12th - Mind Body Spirit Expo in Somerset New Jersey Private session and 2 free talks at the Expo
April 16th, 17th 18th & 19th College Park, Maryland - Private sessions
Richmond Va. April 22nd - May 4th
Healing Connections - 8324 Bell Creek Rd., Mechanicsville, Va. 804-559-7990 schedule and register through this store
April 22nd, 23rd, 24th & 26th - Private Sessions $90 for 30 min. $180 for 1 hr. & $260 for 1 1/2 hr.
April 24th - Circle of Love $55 Gallery of messages from loved ones in spirit. 6:30- 9:30pm
April 25th - It's All About You. Interactive class - Learning to manifest a more empowered life. Sat. 10-5pm $95. For more info about the class please go to my website.
May 2nd & 3rd The Concept of Love - A two day workshop 10-5 each day $150.
Private sessions scheduled and class registration through Healing Connection
The Alchemist Books and Gifts - 9200 Stony Pt. Parkway, Richmond 804-320-9200
April 28th, 29th, 30th & May 1st. Private sessions in store
May 1st - Circle of Love 6:30-9:30 $55. Gallery of messages from loved ones in spirit
Please note that this is Linda's 7th year of presenting this event at the Alchemist and it is so popular that it always fills quickly, so please sign up early.
Inner Peace Center for Spiritual Education
May 4th - Private Sessions contact Linda at [email protected] to schedule
And on we go to North Carolina
May 7th, 8th, 9th Sneads Ferry, NC. - Private sessions
You may schedule a private session in Sneads Ferry and register for Linda's Friday evening class through Trudy at 919-616-0804. Linda's schedule typically fills up quickly, so please reserve your preferred time. You will be given the location in Sneads Ferry when you schedule.
May 8th Sneads Ferry - Circle of Love event- $45 6:30-9:30pm Gallery readings presenting messages from loved ones in spirit.
May 11th - 15th Raleigh NC- Private sessions, email to schedule - [email protected]
May 16th Raleigh - Sat. 10-1pm, Linda presents her Circle of Love event.
Cost $55 Location to be announced when you register. [email protected]
(see event info below)
June 13th Austin - Reiki I & II class $250. 9:30-6pm (see website for more info on class)
Event Info:
It's All About You
Presented by The Group Consciousness of Abraham and channeled by Linda Drake
One Day event 10-5pm $95
The Abraham Group seeks to provide empowerment and guidance for your journey.
Learning to manifest a life of success and joy is up to you.
As a channel for the Group Consciousness of Abraham, Linda shares their wisdom to help you empower your life. Discover your purpose fine the joy of living it.
It is all about you, it begins with you and it ends with you. There is always room for improvement in your life, but you have to make the changes to create the life you want to live. Give yourself the gift of ending the cycle of trying to change others and instead, change the person it matters to the most - You.
Making it Happen - One Day at a Time:
God created you as an empowered being, start demonstrating that power within your life!!!
Through their sharing, you will gain positive perspective and insights that will better prepare you to embrace the potential for a new way of living your life.
It is inevitable that the 2015 will present opportunities for you to create the life you desire. Embrace the idea of change and make it happen. Abraham's guidance teaches us how to create a more spiritual path for the balance, empowerment and fulfillment of your life purpose. During this event, our intention is to share insights that will enable you to manifest, access and use these opportunities to your highest good.
Amplify the energy of love, happiness and success that is yours. Experience the joy of taking responsibility for your emotional, physical and mental well-being. Allow yourself to become the person you want to be.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to attend some of Linda's most popular workshops and/or receive your own private session.
The Circle of Love Event with Linda Drake
This is a joy-filled event as Linda shares her gift as a spiritual medium. With amazing accuracy, she brings you messages from your loved ones in Spirit. Linda will discuss the Soul's journey through death and the world beyond. Each participant will have the opportunity to receive a message from their deceased loved one. Linda also teaches how to receive your own messages of love and support. Linda is offering two Circle of Love events in Richmond, one in Sneads Ferry and one in Richmond
The Concept Of Love Workshop
Two day event $195. 10-5pm each day
The Concept of Love Class with Linda Drake as supported and channeled by The Abraham Group.
Life is all about Love and learning how Love affects you and your life can transform all aspects of your life.
Whether you are in a current relationship or in-between relationships, learning to create healthy relationships is important to your happiness and success in life. As a Child of God you are Love, so everyone can benefit from this guidance.
This class is all about Love: learning to define it, to manifest it and create relationships focused on a healthy love and respect of self and others.
Learn to:
Love yourself and understand your needs
Identify your strength and weaknesses
Understand the issues that challenge you life
Break negative patterns that challenge relationships
Recover self worth following divorce or breakup
Set boundaries with confidence
Communicate in your relationships (conflict and needs)
Create Balance & Protection of your energy
Forgiving betrayal and abuse
Soul mates and relationships of past life karma
Our subjects are not limited to those listed, as we welcome subjects related to creating healthy Love in our relationships. Whether you are married and hoping to improve the relationship you are in, or between relationships and wanting to learn to manifest a healthy one for your future, this class will definitely teach you about the many aspects of Love.
Linda and Abraham's First Book
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" offers a better understanding of life, death and the many stages of grief we experience when we lose a loved one. Linda offers insights to assist us in healing the emotions of grief that can sabotage and cripple our lives if we do not understand them.
Book1 cover 480x360
Price $12.95
S&H 5.00
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" is available at all major books stores or from Linda's website A kindle version is available through
Linda and Abraham's New Book
"The Secret Pathway To Healing" is currently only available directly from Linda. You can go to Linda's website for more information on this book. It is full of Abraham's guidance for creating the life of happiness, love and success that you desire. Abraham explains the challenges of life's issues in a detailed way, allowing you to identify what may be sabotaging your life. They also gives you tools and guidance to make the necessary changes to achieve what you desire for your life
Secret Pathways Cover
Price $16.95
S&H $5.00
Who is Abraham:
Every month I have new readers join our newsletter list. I was reminded that not everyone is familiar with the Abraham Group that I work with. I apologize for neglecting to share this important information with you.
Abraham is a group consciousness of high vibrational spiritual beings. That is a long title for a group of beings that work for God. Their purpose is to bring humanity the wisdom and guidance of God for the advancement of our soul's journey. They do not function with ego but much of their work is done though human channels. They have chosen multiple people to work through in delivering their messages. Although Abraham works with many channels, their most well known channel is Esther Hicks. She has been channeling their messages and writing books with them for over 30 years.
Their messages can be both individual or global depending on the situation. Each channel gives the same message yet often in a slightly different way due to our personality. You each receive knowledge differently, and often need to hear it multiple time before applying to to your life. The Abraham group focus on positive intent and empowerment for our lives.
Spirit presented this group to me as my teachers about 11 years ago when my awareness of my spiritual journey began. During this time, they have continually assisted me with my own spiritual development, as well as our work in helping others heal their lives. They have channeled their guidance through the books we have written and the workshops we teach.
They bring us hope and knowledge of the soul's journey through life, into death and the world beyond. You can go to my website to read more about my journey with Abraham and Spirit.
We all need spiritual support. Whether that support comes through personal interaction with like-minded groups and classes or the stimulation of your mind and heart through the knowledge shared in spiritually based books, it is important to continually nurture your spiritual self.
The spirit within you craves acknowledgment and care taking of it's needs for the advancement of your soul's journey. An expanded spiritual experience holds you in the light and love of God, enabling you to give and receive love of both self and others beyond any current limitations.
Please share our newsletter with your friends. It is easy - just have them register today through Linda's website or hit "forward" at the bottom of this page and you can send it to them.
If you have any questions just Email me at [email protected], or visit my website at
Love and Light