We, the Group Consciousness of Abraham, have been sent to you from God the creator as messengers and teachers. Our purpose is to provide you with the knowledge, guidance and support to help you create the life experience and evolvement that your soul desires. Yes, many of you challenge us as you limit your life experiences by your own judgment, fear and lack of trust, but we do not judge your actions. We understood the challenge when we accepted the job; To help you learn about the issues and life lessons your spirit has chosen for this life, this is our purpose. To teach you that you are a Child of God and how powerful you are at manifesting a healthy life of love, happiness and prosperity. Your spirit may have chosen challenges for you to learn from but it would have also chosen the opportunity to change and heal those experiences. This is empowerment.
Congratulations, as a CHILD OF GOD, you are going through a challenging time of transition, unlike anything you have experienced in your current lifetime and you are doing amazingly well. WE see the energy of humanity changing and this is what God was hoping for. God did not create the energy of this virus, but God is going to use this situation in the full HOPE of transforming your world and humanity. God created YOU, filled with the light, the strength and the power of HIS unconditional LOVE. God is within you at all times and WE have seen that light shining through you, especially during this time of distress, uncertainty and challenge. Regardless of the changes this medical virus has presented to humanity, however it has affected you, your family, your friends, the security of your life or the life of complete strangers, it is up to you to decide how you are going to respond to it. You are POWERFUL. Your PERSPECTIVE, of this situation has the power to change your world. Our current situation has created a darkness of fear, however understand that this fear is a choice, an experience for you to learn from. The experiences you are being provided give opportunity of growth for your soul, your consciousness and the full human experience. This is an unfamiliar situation and one that you may feel – or – fear you have no control over, but that perspective is wrong. It is our hope that you will realize this with very little emotional struggle.. Fear is an emotion and as with any emotion, it can be powerful if you give it that purpose. Emotions are not your power…your soul, your consciousness, your mental and physical being holds your power. You have been given the intellect to have awareness of emotions and to process emotions. Your power is deciding how you desire to respond to these emotions for your highest good.
Please know that this moment in time is filled with opportunities that your soul intends to use for your growth.
WE have observed many of you turning to God in prayer, not just for yourself but with concern and compassion for others, reinforcing your FAITH in God and remembering that YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD in all of your power. WE are joyful that some of you are remembering how it feels to experience an empowering connection with God, a concept you may have forgotten or separated yourself from. God did not abandon you; your life situation may have created the false illusion of separation. WE have seen prayer create miraculous recoveries and provided great comfort in times of grief and loss.
WE have observed the changes being created in your life. For many, it has given you the opportunity to see beyond the stress of your life, your job, your daily commitments, as your new opportunity may have allowed you to become focused on more important things or more necessary concerns. Your perceptions of what and who is important to your life is changing. You may see life with more clarity now. In this time of transition, you may have experienced the loss of a loved one, a job, a home or a significant disruption to the life you had created. All of these “challenges” have created the opportunity of change for your life and the lives you may be able to touch with your compassion, your actions, your concern, your strength and your example. It is God’s hope that through this experience you remember that each of you are all of one energy. The energy of Love. When you unselfishly share that love with others your consciousness remembers the feeling of being one again with God, the source of all love and all of the different aspects of you. (other souls) You discover how powerful and influential you are in working as one instead of allowing judgment to separate you as you may have experienced before this moment in time. When you help others in whatever way that you can, you feel the JOY, FULFILLMENT and PRIDE of making a difference in someone else’s life and you learn to have appreciation of who you are and others, you gain respect for yourself. Your soul makes the connection, as you recognize your oneness…your connection through love. Our anticipation is that as the awareness of your purpose expands, your determination to change the past and go forward into an existence of functioning on a higher vibration level of oneness with all souls will then become the empowerment of your life, your future and the world.
WE have observed this situation as seen through the eyes of fear for some, but remember, fear is their choice. Empowerment comes from works of compassion, sacrifice and the determination to responsibly and consciously respond to the changes you have experienced. This experience will change all of those involved in a significant way. This has become the purpose of this transition…to fight against the intent of the darkness by remembering how powerful you are as the LIGHT. WE are impressed at how beautifully so many of you are responding to the changes you are experiencing. For many of you, your worlds have changed dramatically.
For those of you with control issues, the world you had so carefully created to be physically safe and financially secure has changed. And You have changed. While this can be a scary time, a time filled with fear of the unknown and challenges you may perceive that you are supposed to maneuver through these events without failure. Because of your old negative beliefs, you may feel that this is setting you up for failure. Allow this feeling to remind you that this is only a perception but it is NOT your truth.
With so much changing so quickly, you may intuitively recognize many of your life issues that we have taught about and you may have worked with are coming up for you. Take a breath, acknowledge the issue through awareness of your negative patterns of the past. Then focus on who you want to be, remember who you are, and consciously create the life you desire.
WE encourage you to trust that God hears all prayers. You are never alone, as HE has provided Angels, Spirit Guides and Masters as your support group to carry you through this journey of life. As a servant of God and a Child of God, continue to allow His to shine through you, you can be the hope that others need and that you need.
WE are Abraham