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Abraham and Linda’s February 2014 Newsletter

Linda's Message

Welcome to 2014
Has this been a crazy winter season or what? I hope you and your family are safe and warm. Please check out our upcoming schedule for 2014 included in this newsletter, as we are very excited about our upcoming events and hope to have the opportunity of connecting directly with you.
I learn so much while talking with Spirit and always want to share these conversations with you. When I question Spirit about the unusual weather patterns we are experiencing, I hear that we will be experiencing many earth changes in 2014, but change is constant as our energy and the energy of our planet is evolving. As humans we are very adaptable to change and this will be demonstrated during the future global changes. That is the nature of our existence. Developing an understanding of compassion and concern for others will serve us well in living in this world.
It is important that we have the memory of how powerful we are as survivors and learn to work together as survivors. Today you may be looking at the needs of others, tomorrow those same needs may be yours, learn compassion and embrace the opportunity to demonstrate it.
I looked up the definition of survivor:
1. To remain alive or in existence.
2. To carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere: families that were surviving in tents after the flood.
3. To remain functional or usable: I dropped the radio, but it survived.
4. To live longer than; outlive: She survived her husband by five years.
5. To live, persist, or remain usable through: plants that can survive frosts; a clock that survived a fall.
6. To cope with (a trauma or setback); persevere after: survived child abuse.

Life is about surviving the struggle and moving forward in creating a life of fulfillment beyond the experience. Spirit has taught me that survival and healing is achieved one step at a time.

We are actually all created of one spirit, that spirit being God. When one spirit suffers we all suffer in some way, so working together to help each other is a necessary lesson. When we are presented challenge we are strengthened and become innovative in how we can survive and live a more powerful life. We develop skills and expand our consciousness as we are given the opportunity. How are we learning to have compassion or concern for the needs of others? How can you enhance your life experiences or reach out to help or influence the life experience of others? The light is full of hope and the darkness is focused on fear.

I am taught by Spirit that God sees no separation between us. God loves us all, no matter who we are and what we create as our life experience, we are loved. That statement was comforting to me, to know that I can not fall from the Grace of God. Although I can create darkness within myself and diminish the power of my chosen purpose. I am taught that we all have the duality of light and dark within us and we choose moment by moment where we will give our power to. The choices I make and the karma I create determine the influence I have on others and the fulfillment of my life purpose.

My spirit guides just asked to provide you with an explanation of "Spirit". I have been taught that Spirit is the energy and Consciousness of God, the Masters that provide us with the messages of God and the Angels that are the fingers of God working within our lives.
I love Spirit!!!

Recommended reading:

I recently read the most amazing book on Indigo Souls and I am highly recommending it. As many of you know I do a lot of work with Indigo Children, "the gifted ones" and Spirit has taught me about their importance for our world. Arnette Lamoreaux, from Austin Texas has written a wonderful book that is going to transform the journey of the Indigo child and their family. It is now available to everyone through Amazon. And I was just given a preview of her next book "Indigo Scout: Come closer your purpose is calling" which will be available this Spring.

The title is "The Indigo Soul, a child's journey to purpose." If you know of a child that is gifted or that you feel is uniquely different than the norm, you definitely need to read this book. This child may be an Indigo Soul. Spirit has taught me that our Indigo Children are the future of this world, we need to understand them better and learn how to better support their journey. Arnette has also started a blog for the family of Indigo souls to connect through. You can contact her at [email protected]. Her new and exciting website will be up soon.

Love and Light


I continue to do private sessions both in-person and over the phone as my schedule allows, although I am often 6-8 weeks out on availability. You can contact me through my website to schedule. If you have contacted me in the past and I did not respond please forgive my busy schedule and try again.

If you would be interested in helping us put together a workshop in your area, please contact me about that also. We do listen to your needs.

GOD CREATES MIRACLES EVERYDAY. BE ONE OF GOD'S MIRACLE TODAY. If you are new to this newsletter, Thank you for opening your heart and mind to our messages of love. Please note: there is information about Abraham at the bottom of this newsletter.
Abraham's Message

I am Abraham

WE greet you with Love as other than the soul itself, love is the most important thing of existence in your world. God is Love. We hope to provide encouragement, support and guidance for your journey through life, particularly with your relationships of love as they are of such importance. Your soul was created as an aspect of God and God is always a part of the soul. No matter what the soul experience becomes the love and light of God are always a part of the soul.

We hope to teach about the soul's journey and present important aspects of your present journey in a way to help you live a more fulfilled life.

Why are you here and what is Life all about? Who are you now and who do you want to be? Are you ready to live your life of purpose?

Your higher-self designed your present journey and all of the twists and turns of your life as an opportunity to gain a greater awareness of the consciousness of God and of all that exists. This enhanced awareness is the soul's evolution to a higher vibration. It may be difficult to fully comprehend or have a compassion for the physical, emotional or mental aspects of the human existence, but your soul's journey through each lifetime of great importance to God.

In your soul's journey through many lifetimes God has provided each of you with the opportunity to experience every thing that exists, from unconditional love to challenge and everything in between. Through these many life experiences your soul's desire is to expand to a refined consciousness and sensitivity. Without these experiences you cannot fully comprehend and appreciate the soul's existence and importance to all that is. Without the personal experience the situation may not have the same meaning for the ego consciousness and you may need to repeat experiences of struggle if necessary. This allows you to fully appreciate the many facets of life and make educated decisions in the future thus expanding your knowledge of self, relationships and other peoples needs.

What is the higher-self and why would it choose a life time of such pain, struggle and ciaos? This is a question we often hear. We will try to explain the many different aspects and purpose of the human experience.

The human experience is made up of multiple parts:

1. The higher-self/soul works with Spirit to design the necessary details of each proposed life experience. This involves past Karmic situations, soul commitments with others of your soul group or soul mates, and chosen issues to promote soul growth and awareness. These life issues are perfect to help experience lessons and fulfillment of purpose. Admittedly the soul is often ambitious with it's goals, creating a life of many opportunities.

2. The ego consciousness does not have prior awareness of the life plan and purpose. It responds to life experiences based on established beliefs, life experiences and relationship history. The ego can be detrimental to positive fulfillment, as it is often taught to respond to negative fear and judgment. Focusing on a more negative perspective of life if this has been it's primary life experience. It's perspective, beliefs, response and attitude can be changed through knowledge.

3. The physical body is necessary for the complete human experience. This is the vehicle that carries you through life. There is a responsibility to maintain and protect the physical body as life lessons are experienced through all aspects of life. Physical challenges are often chosen as part of the lessons to be learned from.

4. The mental and emotional body are sometimes the most challenging part of the life experience. What you think and feel determines how you proceed and respond to life situations. Certain situations are predestined and created for you to learn from and your mind is taught from your early life experiences how to perceive a situation and your emotions are taught how to feel or respond. Your mind only knows what you or others provide it and you teach your emotions how to respond.

Each of these aspects of you are needed for the whole life experience. You are the co-creator to manifest within your soul's plan the life you desire.

WE hope you enjoy our newsletter but if you would like to unsubscribe simply go to the bottom of this newsletter and click on the "unsubscribe" button.
Upcoming Events
We had a very busy and successful 2013 and with Abraham and Spirit's direction, it look like 2014 will be even busier for us. They are starting me out with events in Richmond Va., Raleigh NC. and Austin Tx. but making plans for many more trips so hopefully we will be coming to your area this year. Please watch my website for my ever changing schedule.

2014 Spring Schedule
March 4th-6th- Richmond, Va. -Private sessions at The Alchemists Books and Gifts in Stoney Point Fashion Park. Call the store to schedule your session (804) 320-9200
March 8th & 9th- "You are your Issues - Let's Heal Them" Workshop $295. This is a 2-Day interactive workshop ($275 for advance registration by February 22nd). A $100 deposit holds your space.
Location:Inner Peace Spiritual Learning Center
To read more about the workshop and to register click here.
Workshop Registration
March 10th & 11th - Richmond - Inner Peace Center for Spiritual Education -Private sessions. Please contact Linda directly at [email protected] to schedule for this location.
March 14th - 23rd - Raleigh, NC. Linda will be in the Raleigh area offering private sessions, and classes.
March 15th - Raleigh - Reiki I & II class $275
March 16th - 21st - Raleigh - Private sessions To schedule please contact Linda at [email protected]
March 22nd & 23rd. - Raleigh - A 2-Day workshop with Linda and Abraham "You Are Your Issues- Let's Heal Them"
Workshop registration
March 27th Austin, Tx. - The Seekers of the Round Table talk - Unity of the Hills Church 7-8:30pm $15 Abraham and Linda present "Manifesting the Life you Desire."
March 29th - Austin, Tx. Reiki I & II Class $250 See website
March 30th - Austin - Reiki III/Master level $250 See website
April 26th & 27th Austin - A 2-Day workshop with Linda and Abraham "You Are Your Issues- Let's Heal Them" Workshop registration

Please note that our travel to the east coast could be effected by March's weather because we are traveling in our motor home so please watch our website for possible changes.

Linda and Abraham's First Book
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" offers a better understanding of life, death and the many stages of grief we experience when we lose a loved one. Linda offers insights to assist us in healing the emotions of grief that can sabotage and cripple our lives if we do not understand them.

Book1 cover 480x360
Price $12.95
S&H 5.00
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" is available at all major books stores or from Linda's website A kindle version is available through

Linda and Abraham's New Book
"The Secret Pathway To Healing" is currently only available directly from Linda. You can go to Linda's website for more information on this book. It is full of Abraham's guidance for creating the life of happiness, love and success that you desire. Abraham explains the challenges of life's issues in a detailed way, allowing you to identify what may be sabotaging your life. They also gives you tools and guidance to make the necessary changes to achieve what you desire for your life
Secret Pathways Cover
Price $16.95
S&H $5.00

Who is Abraham:

Every month I have new readers join our newsletter list. I was reminded that not everyone is familiar with the Abraham Group that I work with. I apologize for neglecting to share this important information with you.

Abraham is a group consciousness of high vibrational spiritual beings. That is a long title for a group of beings that work for God. Their purpose is to bring humanity the wisdom and guidance of God for the advancement of our soul's journey. They do not function with ego but much of their work is done though human channels. They have chosen multiple people to work through in delivering their messages. Although Abraham works with many channels, their most well known channel is Esther Hicks. She has been channeling their messages and writing books with them for over 30 years.

Their messages can be both individual or global depending on the situation. Each channel gives the same message yet often in a slightly different way due to our personality. You each receive knowledge differently, and often need to hear it multiple time before applying to to your life. The Abraham group focus on positive intent and empowerment for our lives.

Spirit presented this group to me as my teachers about 11 years ago when my awareness of my spiritual journey began. During this time, they have continually assisted me with my own spiritual development, as well as our work in helping others heal their lives. They have channeled their guidance through the books we have written and the workshops we teach.

They bring us hope and knowledge of the soul's journey through life, into death and the world beyond. You can go to my website to read more about my journey with Abraham and Spirit.

We all need spiritual support. Whether that support comes through personal interaction with like-minded groups and classes or the stimulation of your mind and heart through the knowledge shared in spiritually based books, it is important to continually nurture your spiritual self.

The spirit within you craves acknowledgment and care taking of it's needs for the advancement of your soul's journey. An expanded spiritual experience holds you in the light and love of God, enabling you to give and receive love of both self and others beyond any current limitations.

Share our newsletter with your friends. It is easy - just have them register today through Linda's website or hit "forward" at the bottom of this page and you can send it to them.

If you have any questions just Email me at [email protected], or visit my website at

Love and Light

Previous reading
Abraham and Linda’s April 2014 Newsletter
Next reading
Abraham and Linda’s October 2013 Newsletter