Abraham's Thank You Gift to You
This e-newsletter is being sent out as a special gift. You are receiving this e-newsletter because you have connected with Linda Drake and the Group Consciousness of Abraham in some way. You may have had a session with Linda, taken a class or attended a lecture but as a Thank You we are sending you this one time gift of Abraham's message of guidance.
If this is your first time in receiving our newsletter we hope you enjoy it. Please check us out and decide whether you would benefit from the information that we share. Our free e-newsletter is sent out 6 times a year. If you would like to be a part of our mailing list click here to subscribe .
I ask for your patience as you may receive this newsletter multiple times while we are working on our new mailing list.
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Linda's Message
Happy New Year!!
I hope you had a safe and Joyful holiday. I am so excited about 2013 and all that it is brings us. Abraham and I have been talking about all of the possibilities with the new energy we are working with.
I hope you enjoy and benefit from the guidance Abraham is sharing in our e-newsletters. We realize that our newsletters are usually quite expansive, but Abraham feels that their guidance benefits our everyday life, not just in times of challenge and struggle. They want to give you tools to use. I always ask that they keep it short because our lives are so busy, yet when we wrote this months letter I kept asking for more information about the times to come. If you have suggestions in improving our newsletters, we are always open to making positive changes.
I wish you could have been sitting here with me as we were talking about the future. I was speechless and that is unusual for me. I told them we needed to share this information in another book, but they said there was not time for that because things were progressing so quickly. So their guidance will be presented in our newsletters and classes. Don't be surprised if they slip a few extra newsletters in this year.
One of the main things I got out of our conversation is to stop complaining about the challenges of my life, (not just to them but in general) as this is creating and projecting negativing into the situation. It is much more beneficial to explore and embrace the lessons as well as the miracles being created. Focus on positive thoughts and positive outcomes. These are lessons that we have chosen to learn from, so having awareness is beneficial in helping us move forward on our souls journey. These lessons are where we learn to face adversities and become more experienced in life and relationships. We, (our higher-self/spirit) hope our consciousness may be able to become more confident and strong so that we can overcome all negativity. This enables us to know and embrace our true purpose and power. In learning of what the future is bringing to us, I understand that we need this growth to be better prepared.
Abraham tells me that this is a unique time for the advancement of our soul and that it is a privilege to be here at this amazing time for humanity. I thank God for believing in me and giving me this opportunity. I vow not to fail my higher-self or God in performing to my full potential and purpose. In the end, I may slide into home plate tattered, torn and exhausted but it will be a home run for our team. Know how special you are to God and that you were chosen for this mission. I hope we can do this together.
Abraham assures me that God has sent into action millions of bands of Angels to assist us. They are the fingers of God supporting us and it doesn't get any better than that.
I just love life!!!
Love and Light
If you are new to this newsletter, Thank you for opening your heart and mind to our messages of love. Please note: there is information about the Abraham group at the bottom of this newsletter.
Abraham's Message
Welcome to 2013.
We come to you with great love for humanity. From our spiritual perspective, it is a tremendous privilege to have a purpose such as ours. We come to bring knowledge and empowerment to all of humanity and to remind you of your connection to the Divine Source. You are each a spark of the Divine Source so in reality there is no separation between you, only the separation of judgment that humanity has created.
God's desire for humanity is that within each lifetime your spiritual awareness and human consciousness be elevated for the advancement of your soul's journey. This is empowerment. We are currently here to assist with this advancement in any way that we can.
We share God's excitement about the future of humanity. We have been trying to prepare you for this experience through our teachings. Some of you have embraced these new times and your potential with excitement, while some were curiously waiting to see what would happen after 12/21/12 and the coming year. During the past year there was a tremendous vibrational shift of your planet, a new realm has been created and you are one of the privileged souls to be a part of this experience. This shift of vibration and consciousness affected all aspects of your being. Some of you may have felt the affects more than others or were just more aware of the energetic changes, but you all experienced the shift and lived through it. These vibrational changes will continue to occur throughout the year and during the years to come. For some, even your DNA will change to accommodate the vibrational change and your potential purpose.
God has expanded your world, as you are now in a new cycle of time unlike anything ever experienced before. The potential for the development of your spiritual awareness is now limitless. You are powerful beyond imagination, yet it is your responsibility to develop the role you will play in this new realm. As always, God has given you free will to create what you desire. Up until now God had a plan for humanity and you were performing within the limitations of that plan.
Now God wants to see what you have learned and what you are capable of creating. There is a universal plan in motion, but in the meantime God is giving humanity the opportunity to perform with no limitations. God is not abandoning you, as this will never happen, but as a proud parent, watching as you explore your new world. You will be working with many of the same creative abilities that God does. This unparalleled opportunity was created because so many of you have found the power of God within you and discovered the light (positive energy and love), consequently learning to work with that light for the good of all.
The ego will not benefit you, as the ego often comes from a place of negativity. You will be working from the energy of the heart. There is a great responsibility here to carry the light into the world, to be the warrior against the darkness, to end the suffering and struggle through love. God could have single-handedly wiped the planet of all living things to end the darkness, but God has hope that you are powerful enough to make a difference in your world. He hopes that you will embrace this same belief. There is darkness around you at all times, even within you, but the light is always more powerful than the darkness. It is your choice as to which force you will give your attention and energy to.
God's consciousness envelops the depth of all aspects of existence. He sees no separation between soul's, as you are all part of God and part of each other. God has love for all and asks that you realize and share this same love.
You did not come into this existence to rest, but to expand your soul's awareness through experiences in your relationships and life. You can deny yourself the opportunity to evolve in this lifetime or embrace all aspects of your experience, but why? You are here to find your power. This is only achieved through love of self and self-awareness. It is necessary that you have faith and belief in God and your own power.
We share our step-by-step guidance for this development through our books and classes if you are ready to begin the journey of awareness and healing this is the time to get started.
You might start your empowerment and transformation process by asking yourself these questions:
Are you currently the person you want to be?
Do not look at yourself with judgment but with love and support for your journey. Become the best aspect of you that is possible in releasing and overcoming the struggle and negativity of life.
Are you creating the life that you desire?
Nothing happens without intent, whether the intent is positive or negative, you are ultimately creating a situation with your thought and actions. It is helpful to have a greater awareness of what you are creating and why.
What are you waiting for?
Often we see within you a fear of your potential or responsibility in striving to become powerful in creating the life you desire. You may have found yourself feeling blocked by, or stuck in a negative belief system that is not serving your highest good. In reality you have control of your life, as the transition can begin whenever you desire. Begin by establishing your intention for creating the life that you desire.
At this time we wish to speak with you about empowerment. A demonstration of empowerment can be expressed through a positive thought, emotion, belief or action for the benefit of your life. Yet many of you have difficulty demonstrating positive empowerment within your lives.
Divine Source created your soul as part of the energy of the Divine Source itself, yet gave each soul the responsibility of co-creating the life experiences that you desire to learn from. You (your spirit) chose a physical body and all of the experiences for each lifetime as an opportunity to advance to a higher spiritual consciousness. Without these experiences there would be limited evolution of your soul.
Your human consciousness comes into the physical aspects of life having no awareness of what you have chosen to experience, yet your higher-self/soul continues to create opportunities and experiences for the advancement of your journey. You are each very powerful co-creators with God, yet many of you have forgotten how powerful you can be. With power comes responsibility.
Is there a purpose to your life and how do you fulfill it? This is the question we have heard so many of you are asking. As you begin each lifetime of your soul's journey a purpose is chosen by your higher-self/soul for that particular lifetime. During your journey many of you become so caught up in surviving the daily challenges of life that your human consciousness forgets that you actually have a purpose to fulfill.
Your higher-self or soul never forgets its chosen purpose and it continually creates opportunities for the advancement of your soul. You typically identify these opportunities as inconvenient challenges, but they are actually very important experiences for your present journey. It is through these challenges that you can learn the most about the beliefs and patterns that control your life.
Throughout 2013 we will address helpful steps of empowerment, setting Intent and Manifestation while discovering your purpose and achieving it. We hope you will chose to be part of the awakening to purpose that we are presenting.
WE are Abraham
Upcoming Events
If you have a request for a class in your area, please let us know and we will take it into consideration in planning our 2013 schedule.
If you are in need of a session with Linda, either over the phone or in person, please contact her assistant Rusty at 512-436-1706.
2013 Schedule -
Abraham is currently working on the development of our 2013 schedule so please monitor our website for updates.
January 30th - Radio Interview with Keesha Ewers on Healthy You Radio 1-2pm pst www.Healthyyouradio.com
March 30th - Austin Reiki III/Master level class. More info and registration through my website.
May 18th & 19th - Honolulu Hawaii, Body Mind Spirit Expo www.BMSE.net Please contact me [email protected] to pre-book for this event or to schedule a private session while she is in the area.
Linda will be doing private sessions in Kona during the week of to this event and on Honolulu the 16th & 17th.
May 31st-June 2nd - Chicago - Whole Life Expo www.Wholelifeexpo.com
June 3rd - Chicago Reiki I & II class - You can go to my website www.LindaDrakeConsulting.com for more info and to register.
July 20th & 21st - Austin - Body Mind Spirit Expo www.BMSE.net
Linda is frequently featured as a co-host or guest on Vaishali's radio shows. You can go to www.purplev.com to check out her scheduled guests
As always Linda continues to offer private sessions in her clinic in Austin as available, or phone sessions when needed. Please be assured that Linda's phone sessions are just as clear and accurate as in person. Contact Rusty at 512-436-1706 to schedule
Linda's Book Recommendations you might enjoy:
You Are What You Love series of self help healing books by Vaishali
Celestial Conversations by Lo Anne Mayer
Through the Grief by Dayton Ann Williams
A Mother's Tears by Claire Ann Stevenson
Poisoned Heart By Vera Ramon King (Life with the Ramon's Band)
A Road to Rescue by Tim Lindt
Reunion on the Rainbow Bridge by Sherri Defesche
Linda and Abraham's First Book
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" offers a better understanding of life, death and the many stages of grief we experience when we lose a loved one. Linda offers insights to assist us in healing the emotions of grief that can sabotage and cripple our lives if we do not understand them.
Book1 cover 480x360
Price $12.95
S&H 5.00
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" is available at all major books stores or from Linda's website www.LindaDrakeBooks.com A kindle version is available through Amazon.com
Linda and Abraham's Newest Book
"The Secret Pathway To Healing" is currently available through Linda's website and Amazon.com. You can go to Linda's website for more information on this book. It is full of Abraham's guidance for creating the life of happiness, love and success that you desire. Abraham explains the challenges of life's issues in a detailed way, allowing you to identify what may be sabotaging your life. They also gives you tools and guidance to make the necessary changes to achieve what you desire for your life
Secret Pathways Cover
Price $16.95
S&H $5.00
Who is Abraham:
Every month I have new readers join our newsletter list. I was reminded that not everyone is familiar with the Abraham Group that I work with. I apologize for neglecting to share this important information with you.
Abraham is a group consciousness of high vibrational spiritual beings. That is a long title for a group of beings that work for God. Their purpose is to bring humanity the wisdom and guidance of God for the advancement of our soul's journey. They do not function with ego but much of their work is done though human channels. They have chosen multiple people to work through in delivering their messages. Although Abraham works with many channels, their most well known channel is Esther Hicks. She has been channeling their messages and writing books with them for over 30 years.
Their messages can be both individual or global depending on the situation. Each channel gives the same message yet often in a slightly different way due to our personality. You each receive knowledge differently, and often need to hear it multiple time before applying to to your life. The Abraham group focus on positive intent and empowerment for our lives.
Spirit presented this group to me as my teachers about 11 years ago when my awareness of my spiritual journey began. During this time, they have continually assisted me with my own spiritual development, as well as our work in helping others heal their lives. They have channeled their guidance through the books we have written and the workshops we teach.
They bring us hope and knowledge of the soul's journey through life, into death and the world beyond. You can go to my website www.Lindadrakebooks.com to read more about my journey with Abraham and Spirit.
We all need spiritual support. Whether that support comes through personal interaction with like-minded groups and classes or the stimulation of your mind and heart through the knowledge shared in spiritually based books, it is important to continually nurture your spiritual self.
The spirit within you craves acknowledgment and care taking of it's needs for the advancement of your soul's journey. An expanded spiritual experience holds you in the light and love of God, enabling you to give and receive love of both self and others beyond any current limitations.
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If you have any questions just Email me at [email protected], or visit my website at www.LindaDrakeConsulting.com
Love and Light