Linda's Message
I hope everyone had a great summer as it is almost over. For the Texas area I am looking forward to cooler temperatures.
I would like to share a quick update on my health issues. I want to thank everyone for the kind thoughts, cards, prayers and the healing Reiki energy that so many of you sent me in support of my recent surgery and recovery.
I had surgery on the 13th of August, (the second one I have had this year) and I am recovering well. The surgery was in treatment of my Type 2 diabetes and I am excited to say that my glucose numbers are doing great and I am only on a very small amount of insulin to balance my system. We are hoping that even that amount will decrease in time It is definitely not a surgery I would recommend at this point but ask me again in a few months.
I do believe in miracles and I am holding out for this one. I feel like part of my miracle is my realization of how many of you care so much about me. I feel your energy and your love and that is amazing. It is taking me a while to recover my energy and I am impatient with that but I am given no choice.
Abraham had told me that this would be my year to heal and strengthen my body in preparation of our future work and that is definitely what we are doing. I am hopeful that the rest of the year will just be about recovery and becoming more powerful in God's work. I have spent much of my rest time in working with Spirit and Abraham. I love the energy of their presence and the long talks we have. I am sure Abraham is tired of my questions. There are so many questions and so little time to talk but I am loving their responses.
I am greatly disappointed that we will not be able to travel to the east coast this fall. It is one of my favorite trips and it is always a great opportunity to reunite with so many of the friends I have made over the years. Hopefully we can do it in the spring. I will keep you informed when Abraham lines me out as to our schedule for 2013.
Abraham desires that we expand our work, enabling us to touch more lives. They want to focus our work on traveling the country doing speaking engagements with a group of spiritually empowered speakers. They are currently looking for the right group. We will see how this proceeds. Don't worry, they tell me that I can continue to do my healing work and sessions, it will just be limited. They know that this is the part of our work that I love to do.
If you are new to this newsletter, Thank you for opening your heart and mind to our messages of love. Please note: there is information about the Abraham group at the bottom of this newsletter.
Abraham's Message
I am Abraham and we greet you with the love of the universe.
WE have gratitude for the channels that allow us to work with them, as they give us access to people like you that are interested in expanding their knowledge and spiritual awareness. It is your choice to open your hearts and minds to embrace our messages.
As our channel, Linda is continually presenting us with questions. We enjoy working with her as she is not afraid to challenge us and always wants to know why something is as it is. This frequent deluge of questions is part of her desired expansion of growth and yours, as we want you to have a greater understanding of the human existence and the soul's journey that you are on.
As teachers, it is our purpose to bring you the knowledge to enhance and support your journey. This brings us joy. Recently Linda has been presenting us with questions about the human body and illness. Linda, having been in physical recovery with health challenges for an extended period of time this year has provided us with prolonged lengths of time to speak on the subject.
Linda questioned us about why the physical, mental and emotional body experiences illness. This is a question of depth but we tried to address it from different perspectives, as there is not one answer for all.
The soul experience is eternal. The energy of the soul occupies a physical body during periodic opportunities of growth, these are known to you as lifetimes. The physical body is not meant to last forever. It is similar to a suit of clothes worn for a period time and it wears out or is no longer needed. This is the only way the soul can have closure to a chapter or phase of a life and have the opportunity to start over and use what it has learned from each life experience.
Relationships of love are part of the soul journey but there is no beginning and end of the relationship experience as you may think, just as the soul continues on forever your relationship experiences will continue on forever. Two or more souls can continue an eternal relationship in whatever form you desire. There may be a short physical separation that is part of the soul's chosen lesson but those of soul groups are always reunited. Death is like taking a breath between adventures. It is essential for the soul to return to God for periodic recovery and the assembly and evaluation of what it has experienced and learned in each lifetime. The soul is very creative in what it designs as the physical experience, as there is always a purpose.
With each arrival into a life and new body the soul chooses similar life experiences to demonstrate what it has learned in the past or determines that it needs more lessons to learn from. The soul/higher self designs the potential life experiences around it's past life experiences or karma. These life experiences provide the soul with opportunities for healing, knowledge and growth. Challenges must be encountered to experience growth. You do not change familiar patterns of your life without some type of motivation, knowledge or experience to learn from.
A physical, mental or emotional challenge appearing for the body at birth is chosen by the soul as something to learn from. Whether this soul is the one to learn from the situation or it is provided to teach others. All souls connected to the situation have agreed to learn something from it. These are soul agreements. The soul would not choose to experience something that it did not feel that it was strong enough to overcome or learn from. These challenges are not created by God, but by the soul of this person for the advancement of the soul's awareness. God is always there to support everyone that has committed to be a part of the experience. The experience is evidently essential to the soul awareness of everyone involved.
Your soul chooses the physical experience carefully and with purpose, as there are no mistakes. Those with seemingly greater challenges are provided maximum love and support, as God understands the importance of our choices the opportunity for success and that his strength is essential in this situation.
In addressing illnesses experienced during the life time:
Linda's question was why do some people have weaker bodies or more illnesses than others. There is a difference between significant physical, mental or emotion challenges and the frequently experienced day to day health issues of the body.
Do not look at someone that appears to be in perfect health and compare them with someone that is physical, mentally or emotionally crippled and think one is more spiritually evolved or advanced than another. This is not the case, the experiences of the body are determined by what the Soul desired to learn or teach in each lifetime. The soul sees each lifetime as a blank slate of opportunity for achievement. The soul then begins to create the grandest experience possible. Each lifetime is filled with multiple purposes awaiting to be fulfilled.
The difference is determined by the soul in what issues you came into this life to learn about. Some health challenges are created by how the body is maintained during life. When you treat the body with disrespect to its needs or in a detrimental way it is reasonable to expect the body to weaken or to experience pain or dis-ease in response to the neglect. This is often your body speaking to you, demanding attention, respect or love.
Your body is asking you to have awareness of your life issues. Your experience may be focused on love, judgment, abandonment, abuse, control or responsibility. It is a lesson of learning to respect and valuing yourself and teaching others to value you. Many of you may not know how to show yourselves love and respect but pain definitely will get your attention. It creates the opportunity for you to have awareness of your body and care for your needs. At times you may need to reach out to others for help. Whether it is a physician, loved one or friend for help. This may feel uncomfortable for you, as you do not know how to receive or trust that your needs will be met. This is your opportunity to acknowledging that you need attention and being motivated to accept the help in whatever form it comes.
You are number one in being responsible for your life and all aspects of it, physically, mentally and emotionally. Your life is in constant need of healing and strengthening so that it can endure all that has been chosen as it's purpose in this lifetime.
Linda now asks "What is the significance of a terminal disease or one that cripples you?"
The challenge of a disease that has been diagnosed as incurable or terminal or even life changing is a chosen experience of great significance to the soul's journey. There will be major lessons presented to all involved. The approximate end of each life time is set at the very time that your soul was designing your life, but there can be some variations or agreed upon extensions of time granted by your soul and God. This can be determined by many different factors. The decision is primarily based on the soul plan and agreements with other souls, the soul advancement work that you have achieved and what you and those around you have consciously learned through your experiences together, what soul purpose is yet unachieved and/or currently in play.
The disease is not a presentation of the darkness or God punishing you or even the devil possessing you as we have recently heard someone call it. The disease is something you chose and came into this physical body to experience and learn from. The choices and decisions you make are part of your physical consciousness, the knowledge you have achieved and the journey of your soul. There are no right or wrong decisions, the importance is what you learn from the lessons and the time spent being in the moment of the experience that is healing and valuable.
If you are the one experiencing the health issues do not give away your power to anyone or anything. This is a time to be empowered in learning to love yourself and do what is best for you.
It is only natural to go into fear if something is threatening end your life or to change your quality of life or lifestyle. Dealing with fear is a lesson that you must experience so that you can find your power. Do not give your power to this emotion or any other negative emotions or thoughts. This will only weaken your thoughts and energy. Know that it is only an emotion or belief and not who you are.
The truth is you will either make decisions to overcome the disease or you will gain whatever benefit you consciously chose from the experience, your journey in physical body for this lifetime will eventually end as everyone's does at some time and you will continue with your soul's journey. Either way, there is nothing to fear. Only when you have faced death and chosen to live or faced a life of physical challenges and stood in your strength can you truly understand this type of courage.
Remember, this lifetime is not a destination it is a journey. Those individuals you have chosen to experience life with are chosen from a group of souls that have traveled through many lifetimes together. You are each working individually and jointly in advancing your souls awareness and vibration. This interaction is a commitment you have made to each other. You are all working together sharing the value of the experiences you are creating.
Linda's next question is, "What can be learned from the challenges an illness or disease presents us?"
Through experiences with health issues you are given the opportunity to learn to show yourself love and kindness but others involved in your life are given similar opportunities to learn as well. Some people come into a lifetime with the purpose of learning to have compassion for others, yet through their relationships they have either resisted learning this or do not have the awareness of the opportunity to learn this. It may be that they are self-focused and unaware of the needs of others or do not know how to interact in a situation of care taking. Or it may be that the people around them are very self-sufficient or they may not know how to ask for what they need. Or it may be that someone just needed to have the opportunity to find that concerned or compassionate aspect of themselves.
Whichever part you are playing there are lessons to be learned. An illness may give both parties the opportunity to change their old patterns and learn to have a new perspective on relationships and people. Each experience is an opportunity for change and growth for all involved. You seldom learn from something that you have never experienced.
These changes and expanded awareness are part of your life purpose as well as for others that you have committed to work with in your shared experiences.
There is no value in judgment. If someone chooses not to learn from the experience or not to interact with you in the way you need that is their choice. There is no purpose in being judgmental or trying to take responsibility for their choices once you have expressed your needs. You cannot change others, they have to want to change themselves. If you have not participated in the relationship by expressing your needs and giving others the opportunity to meet those needs then you cannot judge them as failing to meet your unspoken needs. You have to take responsibility for your life purpose by understanding your own needs. You must proceed with the responsibility of doing what is best for you and learning from the lessons you chose and having awareness of the issues that will continue to be presented you as challenges and consciously deciding how you want to respond. At times the problem may be your inability to express your needs to others. Your higher self may determine that by creating an illness you and those you are experiencing relationships with could learn from a situation presented in this way. This is certainly not a conscious choice but this becomes an opportunity for everyone involved to participate in the lesson as life is focused on a health challenge and allows everyone to become more aware of the significance of health and life. This gives everyone the opportunity to have awareness of your needs and show you love and concern and assistance with your physical and/or emotional needs, or you to show the same for someone else.
All of these things will empower you to live a happier, successful and more fulfilled life. By choosing to make any necessary changes you are committing to a life focused on achieving your purpose in this lifetime.
Linda has many more questions about this subject, as we are sure you do and we will continue to address them in our future newsletters.
Our next writing will begin with "How does prayer affect the dis-ease and illnesses that we struggle with."
Until we speak again we leave you with the focus of CREATING LOVE IN YOUR LIFE.
WE are Abraham
Upcoming Events
2012 Schedule If you have a request for a class in your area please let us know and we will take it into consideration in planning our schedule.
Linda's travel schedule will be limited this year but she does phone readings that are just as clear and accurate as her in-person sessions. To schedule a session contact Linda through her website. She will also be seeing clients in her office in Austin.
Linda and Abraham's First Book
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" offers a better understanding of life, death and the many stages of grief we experience when we lose a loved one. Linda offers insights to assist us in healing the emotions of grief that can sabotage and cripple our lives if we do not understand them.
Book1 cover 480x360
Price $12.95
S&H 5.00
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" is available at all major books stores or from Linda's website A kindle version is available through
Linda and Abraham's New Book
"The Secret Pathway To Healing" is currently available through Linda's website and You can go to Linda's website for more information on this book. It is full of Abraham's guidance for creating the life of happiness, love and success that you desire. Abraham explains the challenges of life's issues in a detailed way, allowing you to identify what may be sabotaging your life. They also gives you tools and guidance to make the necessary changes to achieve what you desire for your life
Secret Pathways Cover
Price $16.95
S&H $5.00
Who is Abraham:
Every month I have new readers join our newsletter list. I was reminded that not everyone is familiar with the Abraham Group that I work with. I apologize for neglecting to share this important information with you.
Abraham is a group consciousness of high vibrational spiritual beings. That is a long title for a group of beings that work for God. Their purpose is to bring humanity the wisdom and guidance of God for the advancement of our soul's journey. They do not function with ego but much of their work is done though human channels. They have chosen multiple people to work through in delivering their messages. Although Abraham works with many channels, their most well known channel is Esther Hicks. She has been channeling their messages and writing books with them for over 30 years.
Their messages can be both individual or global depending on the situation. Each channel gives the same message yet often in a slightly different way due to our personality. You each receive knowledge differently, and often need to hear it multiple time before applying to to your life. The Abraham group focus on positive intent and empowerment for our lives.
Spirit presented this group to me as my teachers about 11 years ago when my awareness of my spiritual journey began. During this time, they have continually assisted me with my own spiritual development, as well as our work in helping others heal their lives. They have channeled their guidance through the books we have written and the workshops we teach.
They bring us hope and knowledge of the soul's journey through life, into death and the world beyond. You can go to my website to read more about my journey with Abraham and Spirit.
We all need spiritual support. Whether that support comes through personal interaction with like-minded groups and classes or the stimulation of your mind and heart through the knowledge shared in spiritually based books, it is important to continually nurture your spiritual self.
The spirit within you craves acknowledgment and care taking of it's needs for the advancement of your soul's journey. An expanded spiritual experience holds you in the light and love of God, enabling you to give and receive love of both self and others beyond any current limitations.
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Love and Light