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Abraham’s July 2012 Newsletter

Abraham's July 2012 Newsletter

Linda's Message

The Summer seems to be flying by way too quickly, just as the whole year has been. For the past few weeks I have been blessed to be vacationing with some of my family in the mountains of southern Colorado. Luckily we did not have fires in our area. It is so beautiful to just sit next to a mountain stream and watch life go by, to squeal with excitement while splashing in the ice cold water and gasping with fear while trying to get the wiggly worm on the fishing hook. OK so I was just doing the watching and laughing. I seldom have time to spend with my grand-kids and to just be a normal grandma, so I have really been enjoying this time.

My right ankle is continuing to heal following surgery in March and I greatly appreciate your prayers. I had expected to have surgery on my other ankle in August but that surgery has gratefully been postponed due to another opportunity which I will explain.

I ask God for miracles for others all the time and fully expect fulfillment if their higher self determines that is in their highest good. But for quite some time I have been asking God for a specific miracle for me and frustrated that it has not been granted. My greatest lesson for this lifetime has to be patience. I have been struggling with diabetes for over 15 years and recently it is really taking it's toll on my body. I admit I do not always treat my body as kindly as I should.

It would be different if I did not know that God could create such miracles, but I do. If you have read either of my books you may remember that I talk about how I got started in working with Spirit and the miracles they created in healing my body of 2 life debilitating diseases. Spirit explained to me that this was done in answer to my prayers and to convince me to come to work for them. I was instantly and completely healed at that time through the power of God's miracle. I think you can understand why I want another one of those fantastic miracles. They have often told me that the purpose of the diabetes in my case was to remind me that I had to provide my body with the food and rest that it needs to be able to do my work.

I was talking with Abraham about my request to have my diabetes healed and they explained that miracles come in many different forms. They explained that the insulin that I had been using for years was created as a miracle, even though it was developed through man's knowledge. The medications that we use to treat illness of the mind and body and that can support a healthy body are miracles from God. As humans, we often fail to have gratitude for the medical support that has been provided to us and to see this support as God's work.

Miracles are created each day in the development of medical treatments for disease of the human body. This knowledge was given by God to humans in manufacturing medications that heal and support the body. These developed medications are just as important as natural ones and at times even more as our bodies face more difficult medical challenges.

I admit that I am often judgmental of chemical medications opting for natural treatments when available. Abraham says the human body typically responds well to something that is more natural and works with the healing abilities of the body, but as illness and disease become stronger the body may require other methods of treatment. Old and new medical treatments and medications are saving lives every day, these are miracles provided by God.

Doctors are not Gods, but God can often work through them when given the opportunity. Do not give doctors full responsibility for healing and maintaining your mental and physical well being. This is your responsibility to have knowledge and awareness of your body's needs. Give doctors the opportunity to use their knowledge to help you become and stay as healthy as possible. Let God create miracles for you when needed.

This has been a long story in explaining that there is the possibility of another miracle for me. Several of my doctors had spoken with me about a new surgery for the treatment of diabetes. Although new and considered experimental it has had impressive outcomes in diminishing or alleviating the affects of diabetes.

After much research, prayer and consultation with my guides, I have decided to have the surgery. I definitely know the power of prayer, so I am asking those of you inclined for your prayers and long distance Reiki on August 13th for a successful surgery and quick recovery. I will be at St. Davids Hospital in Austin, Tx. I am grateful for a wonderful husband and close friends to support me through my hopefully quick recovery time.

I will be sure to give you an update following the surgery.

I hope that in sharing my conversation with Abraham about miracles you might have a different perspective and gratitude for the miracles that you may be receiving in your life daily, as I certainly do.

I hope you have a great summer and be safe.
Love and Light

If you are new to this newsletter, Thank you for opening your heart and mind to our messages of love. Please note: there is information about the Abraham group at the bottom of this newsletter.

Abraham's Message

I am Abraham

How to live life and embrace death:

There are so many different aspects to the human life. We have observed with great interest the evolvement of the soul as it has experienced thousands of lifetimes. Each lifetime is full of mystery, love, excitement and challenge as it is designed to be. But the end of the physical existence in each lifetime is inevitable, this is known as death. The physical body is only meant to support life for a limited period of time. The spirit is strong and lives on for eternity, occupying many different bodies in different lifetimes throughout the soul's journey of evolution and growth.

We see our purpose as expanding your awareness to the full journey through life to death and the world beyond. We hope this concept of life responsibilities will be helpful to you.

As we said the death of the human body is inevitable, as each lifetime is only meant to be a temporary experience for the soul. We realize that most of you would rather not think about your death or the death of someone that you love but you can be assured that death will happen, it is the natural cycle of life. It is part of your life plan. Death is returning to the loving arms of God and the reward that your soul is given for the courageous life you endured. So often we hear family members express that they never spoke with their loved one about his wishes for the end of his life care or his funeral wishes. This additional pain during an already difficult time is not necessary.

Most of you spend your whole life making plans for your life, yet you seldom make plans for your death. Thinking about your death may make you uncomfortable, but preparing for your death is just as important as your life. It is all part of the journey of life no matter what age you are now. The approximate time of your physical death was decided upon by your soul/high-self at the time your life was originally designed. Since that is already taken care of shouldn't you make some decisions as to how you would like to be treated during your journey through death. This is just in the case the option arises. A sudden and painless death of the physical body is typically preferred by people but not always the situation. If this is not the situation what control do you want to have?

Have you made decisions regarding your end of life wishes? Are you aware of your options? Are these wishes written down in an accessible legal form? Do you know the laws in your country or state about end of life care? Who will make medical or legal decisions for you? Is this person strong enough mentally or emotionally to carry out your wishes? Make yourself familiar with the legal papers necessary or consult an attorney. Be responsible in making sure your wants and wishes for your death and funeral are detailed so that your family does not have to worry about making the wrong decision. Do you have a last will and testament? What are your financial wishes? Do you have treasured items that you want to go to a specific person?

We often see hurt feelings and struggle among family members over possessions. Wouldn't it be more considerate to leave a detailed list of your wishes. We see you have joy at giving gifts at holidays, try seeing it in the same way as you discreetly put peoples names on treasured items in your home. (This is an example we have seen in this channel's home.)

If you have an family member that you feel responsible for, please help them make these important decisions while they are able. Life changes suddenly, often when you are least prepared. Every challenge that you experience has a purpose, but all challenges do not all have to be as painful as the last.

If you have the opportunity to go through the journey of death with a loved one, treasure the time. Even if the time extends over a period of years, instead of spending time being resentful of the situation or in denial, learn to express your love. Talk with the loved one with compassion if possible, if not just listen. This is the perfect time to find forgiveness for times of disappointment or judgment. You can not be hurt emotionally unless you allow yourself to be hurt. You will find yourself releasing a tremendous burden of emotions that will set you free. This person gave you all that they could at the time, just as you did. Do not hold on to regrets or judgment as they will remain as open wounds long past the death. Have gratitude for the positive aspects of the relationship and try to embrace the relationship with only love. You can not fully realize how short the journey of life is until you are on the other side.

Value your loved ones while you have them with you. We often hear people complain about the numerous small things a loved one does that annoy them. Constantly wanting to change them to fit their perceived needs. After a death those small annoyances are long forgotten or even missed. You will long for that persons touch or their voice and words of love. If your loved one is still with you take advantage of this time and share your words of love and give the hugs you will greatly miss when you are separated by death. Share your love and Live this relationship to its fullest. We promise you the time spent together will someday seem too short.

Death is not painful, it is the journey in getting there that can be filled with fear and pain, especially if you do not understand the journey.

It is certainly not something to fear or dwell on, but preparing for the inevitable is helpful for everyone involved.

Love is what supports your most significant relationships and the fear of losing someone that you love to death can be as painful as the actual loss. As we said it is inevitable that you will lose someone that you love to death or they will lose you.

It may be helpful to understand the magnificent journey that the deceased loved one is embarking on. Once the soul leaves the body and crosses into the light there is no pain or negative emotion, only love and joy. They are then free to expand their soul energy beyond the limitation of the physical body. God always sends his angels to bring the souls home. Once they reach the other side they have the option of moving forward with their soul journey or they may chose to stay connected with it's family in a spirit form.

When you lose a loved one, no one else can replace that person in your life. They played a significant role in your life, as you did in theirs. It is helpful to learn about the grief you will be experiencing. Everyone experiences grief, yet in their own way and in their own time.

We worked with Spirit and Linda in presenting you with knowledge of the soul's journey through death and the world beyond in our book "Reaching Through the Veil to Heal". The loss of a loved one typically presents you with many questions and few answers, we are hopeful that our book can answer these questions for you.

I am Abraham

Upcoming Events

2012 Schedule

July 14th - Lubbock Reiki I & II class $250 contact Linda at [email protected] to schedule. For more details about our classes visit "classes" on Linda's website

July 15th - Lubbock Reiki Share - 2-6pm This is a free event at which Reiki practitioners share their Reiki healing with guests. Go to Linda's website for more info. Contact Linda at [email protected] to signup as a practitioner or a receiver.
July 15th - Lubbock Reiki III/master level. $250. 9:00-12pm
July 21st-22nd - Austin - Body Mind and Spirit Expo I will be doing readings on both days and a free lecture on Sat.

July 26th - Austin The Seekers Round Table event
Linda will be channeling Abraham's "Messages for 2012 and Beyond plus working with Manifestation" at the Seekers Round Table $11 donation, 7-9pm at the Unity Church of the Hills on Anderson Lane. Our books will be for sale prior to the event.
**We are excited about the new larger location, so please join us to receive Abraham's guidance for your life. For more info go to

July 28th Austin Reiki I & II class 9:30 - 6:00, cost is $250. to register please contact Linda at [email protected]
Linda is also hoping to have a Reiki Share event in August or Sept. You can go to my website to read more about my Reiki classes and Reiki Share event.

Linda's travel schedule will be limited this year but she does phone readings that are just as clear and accurate as her in-person sessions. To schedule a session contact Linda through her website. She will also be seeing clients in her office in Austin.

Linda and Abraham's First Book
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" offers a better understanding of life, death and the many stages of grief we experience when we lose a loved one. Linda offers insights to assist us in healing the emotions of grief that can sabotage and cripple our lives if we do not understand them.

Book1 cover 480x360
Price $12.95
S&H 5.00
"Reaching Through The Veil To Heal" is available at all major books stores or from Linda's website A kindle version is available through

Linda and Abraham's New Book
"The Secret Pathway To Healing" is currently available through Linda's website and You can go to Linda's website for more information on this book. It is full of Abraham's guidance for creating the life of happiness, love and success that you desire. Abraham explains the challenges of life's issues in a detailed way, allowing you to identify what may be sabotaging your life. They also gives you tools and guidance to make the necessary changes to achieve what you desire for your life
Secret Pathways Cover
Price $16.95
S&H $5.00

Who is Abraham:
Every month I have new readers join our newsletter list. I was reminded that not everyone is familiar with the Abraham Group that I work with. I apologize for neglecting to share this important information with you.

Abraham is a group consciousness of high vibrational spiritual beings. That is a long title for a group of beings that work for God. Their purpose is to bring humanity the wisdom and guidance of God for the advancement of our soul's journey. They do not function with ego but much of their work is done though human channels. They have chosen multiple people to work through in delivering their messages. Although Abraham works with many channels, their most well known channel is Esther Hicks. She has been channeling their messages and writing books with them for over 30 years.

Their messages can be both individual or global depending on the situation. Each channel gives the same message yet often in a slightly different way due to our personality. You each receive knowledge differently, and often need to hear it multiple time before applying to to your life. The Abraham group focus on positive intent and empowerment for our lives.

Spirit presented this group to me as my teachers about 11 years ago when my awareness of my spiritual journey began. During this time, they have continually assisted me with my own spiritual development, as well as our work in helping others heal their lives. They have channeled their guidance through the books we have written and the workshops we teach.

They bring us hope and knowledge of the soul's journey through life, into death and the world beyond. You can go to my website to read more about my journey with Abraham and Spirit.

We all need spiritual support. Whether that support comes through personal interaction with like-minded groups and classes or the stimulation of your mind and heart through the knowledge shared in spiritually based books, it is important to continually nurture your spiritual self.

The spirit within you craves acknowledgment and care taking of it's needs for the advancement of your soul's journey. An expanded spiritual experience holds you in the light and love of God, enabling you to give and receive love of both self and others beyond any current limitations.

Share our newsletter with your friends. It is easy - just have them register today through Linda's website or hit "forward" at the bottom of this page and you can send it to them.

If you have any questions just Email me at [email protected], or visit my website at

Love and Light

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Abraham’s September 2012 Newsletter
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May 2012 Abraham Newsletter